
Please enter the email addressee you use for your accont and you'll receive an email to set back your password.

Settings User Account

Account: demo_account (User: test@email.xyz)

This is the settings area. Here you can style your calendar in the colors and shape you like. Moreover, you have the possibility to change your email addresse, your password or delete your entire account.

Calendar display settings

The different types of calendars offer various customization options. You can make individual settings here.

BoxStyle Calendar
RetroStyle Calendar

Change email address

Your account demo_account is registered with the email address . Your email address is also your login name. Here you have the possibilty to change your email address and password. Your account number (demo_account) can not be changed.

Change password

You can change your password here:

Delete account

Here you can delete your account. Please note that all information will be permanently deleted and lost irrevocably!