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HTML code

The HTML-code to embed the calendar on your page

On this page, you will find the HTML code required to embed the calendar on your page. Please make sure you are logged in before copying the code, as this ensures that the code works properly.
It is extremely important that your user ID is included in the code!

Copy & paste HTML-code

There are different calendar types, that require different HTML-codes. Please choose the code for the calendar you prefer.

BoxStyle Calendar

Please use this code for the BoxStyle Calendar. Numerous settings for form and color can be made in the Settings area. Furthermore, CSS properties (highlighted in yellow in the code) can be utilized to provide additional display and positioning instructions.

⚠️ Code example only - Login before copy!

<DIV style="all: unset; display: block; margin-bottom: 1.5em; width: 200px; height: 125px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 0px #C0C0C0;">

<iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="https://newsp.eu/calendar05.php?u=XXXX-XXXXX" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"><P>iFrame not supported</P></iframe>

<DIV style="all: unset; display: block; position: relative; font-size: 8pt; bottom: 1em; text-align: center;"><a href="https://newsp.eu?ref=XXXX-XXXXX" target="_blank">NewsP Calendar</a></DIV>

RetroStyle Calendar

Please use this code for the RetroStyle Calendar. Here you can also change some settings in the Settings area and moreover, optimize the appearance by changing CSS-settings (highlighted yellow in the code).

⚠️ Code example only - Login before copy!

<DIV style="all: unset; display: block; margin-bottom: 1.5em; width: 88px; height:138px;">

<iframe width="88" height="125" src="https://newsp.eu/calendar01.php?u=XXXX-XXXXX" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"><P>iFrame not supported</P></iframe>

<DIV style="all: unset; display: block; position: relative; font-size: 7pt; bottom: 0em; text-align: center; width: 88px;"><a href="https://newsp.eu?ref=XXXX-XXXXX" target="_blank">NewsP Calendar</a></DIV>

What does the code do on your page?

The < iframe... >

The calendar is integrated on your page through an iFrame, this instruction is located in the middle part of the code window (white) and at the same time represents the most important part of the code.

The < DIV >

The code is initiated by the <DIV> and also closes with it. The <DIV> serves to make positioning the calendar on your website easier.
You will find a few CSS style specifications directly after the DIV in yellow. You can change these to your liking to achieve the desired result on your page, such as whether the calendar should be aligned to the right or left (float: left/ right;) or what distance your calendar should have to the surrounding text (margin-right: 1em;).

The cyan-colored link

The cyan is essentially a normal link to this page, which has no direct influence on the function of the calendar. Nevertheless, the presence of the link on your page is necessary in order to be able to use the calendar permanently. Please make sure that your user ID (ref=) is included in the link.
Clicking on this link will give you temporary additional entry options for your calendar. See also Bonus program.

The link does not have to be placed directly under the calendar as shown here. You can also place it elsewhere on your website if you like.

User comment ( topics)

Please feel free to leave a comment, your oppinion or questions. This will be displayed directly here on the website:



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